Barriers to Care: Lack of Legal Documents


  • Housing
  • Legal documents
  • System navigation
  • Internet access

People need government-issued IDs to access services.
It is extremely difficult, time-consuming, and costly to get a government ID if you don’t have supporting documents.
People can’t get government-issued IDs, so they can’t get services.

We asked homeless people about the things that make it difficult for them to get help. They said it’s often not possible to get services without an ID. If they don’t have an ID, getting a new one requires documents that they don’t have. There isn’t much support to get a new ID. People offered ideas about what would help them.


  • Homeless
  • Reentering Citizens
  • Low-Income Residents

What would help

Cover the cost of getting legal documents (fees & staff time)

A process to get copies of old IDs from agencies that already have them

Community events where residents and agencies that need documents are all present and can work together to resolve needs

Stats & Stories

Lack of Legal Documents

“I am someone, I just can’t prove it.”

Client Story #1

A person is currently homeless and without an ID. They have lived in Jackson since 4th grade, but they were born in Wayne County. They drove to Wayne County to request a birth certificate. Upon arrival, they found out that requests can only be made online. They went to the website and realized it costs $100 to get a copy of their birth certificate. They did not have the money, so they could not get the document required to get a Section 8 voucher.

Client Story #2

A Michigan ID is required for a social security card and a social security card is required for a Michigan ID. A local system navigator spent four months assisting a homeless family member with getting an ID. After trying many formal agency processes, the navigator contacted a friend who worked at an agency. The agency had an archived photocopy of an expired ID, which they were able to provide. This copy was used with a local service provider that made an exception to accept the copy in lieu of a current ID. The homeless family member was able to secure housing based on the personal connections of the navigator, not the formal systems of support.

In 2017, Urban Institute reported nearly 1 in 4 Michiganders in prison served a term of 10+ years. When they reenter their communities they have expired documents and need help getting legal documents.

1 in 10 Americans don’t have a government-issued ID

Lack of Legal Documents

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